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Fondimpresa has announced the opening of the 1/2024 call for proposals, offering financial contributions for training projects focused on digital and technological innovation. The eligible companies and organizations listed in the notice can benefit from these funds to develop targeted training plans.

The funded projects may include advanced training activities with highly qualified or innovative content, as well as specialized projects aimed at significantly enhancing participants’ knowledge and skills on specific topics or work methodologies.

The training plan must include detailed planning for at least 70% of the total training hours planned. Basic training activities are allowed only if closely related to digital and technological innovation, representing up to 20% of the total training hours.

Beneficiary companies must be registered in the reserved area of Fondimpresa, while qualified organizations must be enrolled in the list of proposing entities. It is mandatory to involve university departments, public research institutions, and other qualified organizations in the funded projects.

The total financial endowment is €20 million, divided into different macro-areas. Financing applications can be submitted between April 29, 2024, and December 31, 2024, with contributions ranging from 50% to 100% of eligible costs, depending on the applicable regulations.

Company statements must be completed online through the Fondimpresa computer system according to the procedures specified in the notice. This initiative aims to support companies in implementing advanced training projects to promote innovation and competitiveness in the current digital and technological context.

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