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The long-awaited Transition 5.0 plan, developed by the Ministry of Enterprises and Made in Italy, will find its place in the upcoming PNRR decree, bringing along new tax credits funded through the 6.3 billion RepowerEU initiative. This initiative aims to incentivize the dual transition of production processes, both digital and energy-related, through new investments in the biennium 2024/25 (see previous article).

Every business, by presenting a project aimed at reducing energy consumption by at least 3% (or 5% for focused projects), can access these credits.

Investments in assets for self-production and self-consumption of energy from renewable sources are included, along with expenses for skills training in ecological transition, limited to 10% of the total investment.

The facilitation system includes 9 tax brackets, rewarding SMEs with a tax credit of up to 45% in the third energy efficiency class for investments up to 2.5 million; while the intensity of the aid decreases with increasing investment, favoring smaller companies.

The European Commission has demanded a rigorous verification system, with certifications both ex ante and ex post from an independent evaluator.

Companies failing to meet energy efficiency targets but investing in advanced technologies for digitization can still benefit from incentives under the Industry 4.0 plan, operational for investments made in 2024/25 and with goods delivered by June 2026 (crucially, a minimum of 20% advance payment for tax purposes, see article here).

For further information, consult your tax advisor.