The new Haitian GIGA presses for metallurgical processes, with clamping forces ranging from 1000 Ton to 8800 Ton, are equipped with:
- REAL-TIME dual closed-loop control system, composed of three servo-proportional valves;
- Line pressure range: 190-210 bar;
- Piston head overlay system;
- Multiple filtration systems;
- Independently painted oil tank for hardening;
- Transmission mode (distributed I/O) with CPU partitions;
- Energy-saving servo pumps with oil thermoregulation;
- CL516 chrome-plated steel columns;
- Additional P20 steel plate for molds (optional);
- Automatic column extraction;
- Overload protection;
- Structure built with annealed H-beams;
- Oversized proportional valve;
- Extraction table position controlled by MTS linear transducers and mechanical limit switches;
- Safety doors equipped with user safety modules.
Contact us to help you choose the best model for your needs!